Sometimes it feels like we're in the middle of the riot in Ephesus, with everybody chanting "Great is Diana of the Ephesians!" When large numbers of people get together, all worshipping the same god, a lot of shouting happens if you say anything about Jesus Christ being Lord. Confusion and mindlessness are a symption of mass deception. It's hard to get it to listen.
In order to save our nation, we need revival-- meaning: we need a majority of people who are free from mind-control and who believe and follow the truth of the gospel. We need to pray for the Spirit of Truth to break through and open people's minds that have been captivated by lies, so that they can receive the truth. This prayer has already had great effect. However, just because we pray doesn't mean there isn't more to do. Everyone who is free has work to do to get others set free. The word of God still needs to be shared: taught, preached, written about, discussed, illustrated, etc. Now is not the time to be lazy or intimidated. We need to work harder than the devil is!
There are two strategies I see that would be useful in dealing with the problem of mass deception as we get the word of God out: 1) publicly demonstrate the power of God and His word in a way that is undeniable. 2) relate to individuals in a way that doesn't trigger the programmed response (in other words, have wisdom in how you approach people about the gospel, and other subjects--included is a discussion on what to do if you if you end up triggering people).
If you'll think about it, you'll see that Jesus, in His earthly ministry, did both these things. He was dealing with a nation of people who were captivated in a religious "stronghold." Even some of the Pharisees, who were controlled by it but were also using it to control the masses, were won by the prevailing Word of God. Jesus demonstrated God's power by healing the sick, raising the dead and casting out demons, as well as other miracles. Jesus also spoke in parables to the people, getting the truth into them, in part, by by-passing their mental triggers. He didn't talk to the people in the same religious way that the Pharisees did, and they listened. I think that Jesus may have deliberately triggered the Pharisees to show what spirit they were really of!
These strategies are going to take a lot of prayer, submission to God, and obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit. We know, without a doubt, that it is God's will to get people set free. Why else would Paul the Apostle have been casting demons out in the name of Christ? (possession by a prevailing mindset of lies is just as bad as demon possession, isn't it?) This was true demonstration of the power of God, and it couldn't be duplicated by those who were not obedient to Christ. (It wasn't the only way Paul showed God's power, however; he did many other miracles.)
When the power of God is demonstrated along with the preaching of the word, the fear of the Lord rises up in people. The result is that 1) people come to Christ (by their own choice), 2) people confess their sins, and 3) people lay down their idols and their idolotrous practices because of the conviction of the Holy Spirit. (you can see this is verses 17-19)
I am fascinated by this verse: "So the word of the Lord grew mightily and prevailed." Acts 19:20 We need not be intimidated by the seeming power of a crowd of deceived people. When the word of God is spoken, it gets planted in people. I think when people see God's word in action, it sort of pokes a hole in them, and the seed of the word goes down deeper-- has a chance to take root. God's word grows in people, then bears fruit. This takes time. (Some of the hard times we've been going through are perhaps digging the "rocks" out of people-- softening the hardness of people's hearts and making them better "soil"). All the Christian mass media in the world won't suddenly change society by suddenly changing the crowds' mind. But the word of God spread en mass will touch many individuals. And God's word always prevails.
There is nothing mightier than the word of God. In the Psalm today, we are reminded how the word of God controls nature. He created nature in the first place-- with His word. He created mankind. He upholds the universe with His word. If He can do this, then He could control a crowd, easily, with His word. But I don't see that He has ever done this, even with His own people. He doesn't violate His own policies, and the individual's free will is one of the things He has set up. It is a key to His kingdom.
Satan, however, has no qualms about violating God's laws. Controlling a group is something he tries to do as much as possible. (In the incident in Ephesus, Demetrius was used by Satan to stir up a crowd against the gospel, using a group deception that was already in place and a strong economic incentive: and the devil always uses "fear, shame and the need to belong".) Even so, God sets people free individually. Otherwise, we would just be pawns in a duel between God and Satan, and we are not. God is not controlled by Satan's tactics. We don't have to be either.
God's people, when we become full of His Word and Spirit, will eventually act as one-- not because God is controlling us against our will, but because each of our wills are freely submitted to the Head, who is Christ. We will choose to do His will because we want to. It is pure worship. If we are submitted to the Head, we will be free of any other type of control. We will not fear or worship anything else. We will move as one-- His Body.
In the words of John, "Little children, keep yourselves from idols." 1John 5:21 In order to free others, we must be free ourselves. Watch for how the enemy promotes controlling mindsets through the media. He does it by saturation, seduction and peer pressure (and other forms of intimidation). Don't become a cult-victim of the prevailing culture. Let God's culture and His powerful word prevail in your life. The choice is yours.
The following is specific instructions about dealing with triggered behavior. I just wanted to let you know in advance, so you don't get mad at me for taking up so much of your time. It might be very useful for you, either now or in the future, especially if you are in ministry. It just seems that, since this is a very common problem, and the Scripture readings brought it up, it would be wrong of me to not share what I know, at least briefly (and this is very brief, really).
Satan believes that if he can get people, either in a mass or individually, so programmed that they will not be able to think or listen (or even get angry and attack) if they are triggered, that we will stop preaching the gospel to them. Since this is a widespread phenomenon, we either have to avoid the triggers (and they are often common and avoidable), or learn to deal with people when they are triggered, either by ourselves or others. What we must not do is become afraid of people and stop speaking the truth in love. I will share with you a little of what I have learned so far; some of it was revealed to me as I read the Scriptures today.
Sometimes God will lead us to do or say something that will trigger the programmed response, either in a crowd or in an individual. This is to show us what is controlling the crowd or person. It is possible to calm a crowd, as we saw by the speech the clerk gave in the theater. But all he did was cater to their belief system. It didn't set them free. I'm not saying we should do this. Sometimes Paul was barely able to talk sense into a frenzied crowd (such as when they tried to worship him as Zeus). In my limited experience, it is possible to speak (whatever the Holy Spirit tells you to) into the volitile situation. This can change a hostile atmosphere by the work of the Spirit, who speaks to individual hearts and allows His peace to overwhelm enemy activity. This is temporary, but it gives you the chance to share the word of God to the group of people. I believe angel ministers also help in this situation when we speak the word given us. You also can speak directly to an evil spirit who has tried to invade a meeting, and you can directly cast it out (if you've been given authority over the meeting). I can't share experience on what to do in situations like Paul was in, since I've never preached in venues like he did. Thankfully, if I ever have to, I know that God's grace is sufficient for all things.
In ministering to an individual who you see is being controlled by something, we have to have discernment and guidance of the Holy Spirit, moment by moment. I have had lots of experience with this in the counseling room, as well as everyday life, but there is no formula. Sometimes you can cast a demon out, but lots of times there is more to it, and you just have to calm the person down and go at the problem from a different angle. You may have to wait for another time. When I was counseling one time, a lady client was triggered into a tizzy because I wore the color pink! It seemed bad at the moment, but it led us to a place that needed healing. No, I didn't cast a demon out! Yes, I have cast demons out before. Just try casting a wound or a thought-process out though! Discipleship, and often deliverance, is a process.
If you trigger a controlled throught-process, evoking a programmed response (and then you're dealing with an unreasonable, and even dangerous, person at that moment), most likely your conversation is over for the time being. Make a note of what you learned. You will have to go around the "back door" and, in a different way, begin to share the word of God that will refute the lies that the person is believing. Once the person believes the truth, they will overthrow the demon themselves, if there is one. This is best and most permanent. (There isn't always an actual demon present, because the human psyche is capable of all sorts of strange defensive behaviors, which often look demonic to us, but aren't necessarily. The number of demons in the world is finite, and Satan won't use them if he doesn't have to. He has had thousands of years to study human psychology, and he knows more than you do. He is a master mind-twister. Good thing we have access to the infinite mind of Christ! God's wisdom and knowledge always trump the devil!) If there is a demonic guard everywhere you go in talking with a person, then you are going to have to get them delivered. Prayer over the situation is advised before you act. I'm sure Paul was praying over the girl with the spirit of divination, and he knew exactly what he was getting into. I have been led, in some instances, to immediately command a demon to leave, and it has left. But if you don't help the person close the door that let it in, it will be back, guaranteed. This is worse, and to be avoided. Jesus taught about that.
Christian deliverance is not exorcism! Never forget that the word of God is His will; it is powerful and it will prevail. If Christ lives in you, then His authority will speak through you when He gives you the word. You never have to exert human power; if fact, in dealing with demons, you are only giving them something to feed on when you do things in the flesh. It makes them stronger. The fruit of the Spirit is poisonous to them however, so make sure you're in the Vine and bearing lots of fruit! Doing something "in the name of Jesus" requires doing it in His nature. You can't use the name of Jesus as a magic potion.
When you are walking in the Spirit, then He will lead you only to places in which He will either work through you, or teach you with what you are experiencing.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
June 29, 2010 The Mighty, Prevailing Word of God
fear shame and the need to belong,
Fruit of the Spirit,
One Year Bible,
Word of God
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