Monday, September 20, 2010

September 20, 2010 A Vision In The Fire

Instead of trying to figure all this out in my mind, I just let the words today swirl around me and soak into me.  Don't you just love the visions of the Lord here, how He stands out with such magnificent beauty and glory?  The visions of judgment can create an overwhelming fear in people sometimes, but in these passages we are given such a clear vision of the Lord and His indestructible kingdom, that if we keep our eyes on Him we will be able to stand and trust Him until it is all accomplished.  Seeing Him in this way reminds me of what the three Hebrew men saw in the firey furnace:  the Lord Himself present among them.  They came forth without even the smell of smoke on them.  When we are in the Lord, this is what our experience will be.  Whether we are being persecuted by the wicked, or the fires of judgment burn, we will be preserved and protected by our Savior when we are standing with Him.

Weighed in the balance:
"Fearfulness has seized the hypocrites," Isaiah 33:14

We may be fooled by false righteousness, but it will not hold up against the fire.  If we have a fear of judgment, we may want to examine ourselves and see if we are walking in hypocrisy.  It can sneak up on us even when we are serious about walking with the Lord.  The sure way to stay secure is to
WALK IN THE SPIRIT.  Because God looks at the heart, there is no "formula" for living that is fireproof.  Good behavior can be hypocrisy when it covers up hidden lust in the heart (and lust is simply whatever is motivating the flesh at the time).  God is so good to bring things about in such a way as to reveal to us what we thought was the fruit of the Spirit but was only our own effort at being good. 

Only the fruit of the Spirit can hold up under pressure, and fire.  There is no reason to worry about this: walk with Him and trust Him to reveal what needs to be revealed.  A desire to walk in the Spirit, and humble prayer for the Lord to teach us how, will set us on the path.  His voice is always leading us, so all we must do is listen and obey.  The Word is our guide as well; if we neglect the Word, it's harder to hear Him speak to us in our heart.  The good news is, if you are born again, it is natural for you to walk in the Spirit!  The more mature you get, the more swiftly you will run.  You are free to BE in Him, you see!

Questions to ponder:
What fruits of the Spirit have you been able to see in your life lately?  How about in your spouse, child or friend?  Have you ever thought about mentioning it to them?  How would you feel if someone pointed out a fruit of the Spirit that they saw growing in your life?
What is it about hypocrisy that bothers you the most?  In yourself?  In another?  What is your response to it?  What did Jesus say about it?
What would hypocrisy look like on a national level?  What should our response be to hypocrisy in the government or in our leaders?


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