Thursday, March 18, 2010

March 18, 2010

True authority is given by God.  It comes by His word.  We saw three examples today: Joshua, John the Baptist, and Jesus.  God told Moses to give Joshua some of his authority to lead the people.  John the Baptist was sent out by the word of God that came to him. Luke 3:2  Jesus was released into His ministry by the Spirit of God and the voice of the Father. 3:22  Each of these were also empowered by the Spirit of God.

Who operated in God's authority: John, who rebuked Herod the tetrarch for his wickedness, or Herod, who imprisoned John (and eventually had him beheaded)?  What happens to people who usurp authority not given to them by God, or abuse the power of their position of authority? Are you able to discern when a leader is not submitted to God's authority?  How do you respond to that situation?

All of us, including you, are given authority over some areas in life.  What has God given you authority over?  How do you know?  What do you do with the authority that God has given you?  Have you ever tried to take authority over something/someone that was not given to you?  How did that turn out?

One way we can recognize our authority is by the fact that we have to make decisions.  In what areas of life do you have to make decisions?  We get into trouble when we start trying to make decisions in areas that are not under our authority. 

Do you have trouble making decisions?  God told Moses that Joshua would need to go to the priest, who would inquire for him "by the decision of the Urim before the Lord." Numbers 27:21  I have to admit that I haven't done research on the Urim and the Thummim of the Old Testament priesthood, even though it's always intrigued me.  I have this picture of some stones lighting up with God's "yes" or His "no"!  (I'd be happy to have a comment with any knowledge you might have on this.)  Back then, they cast lots to make decisions, such as apportioning the land for the tribes' inheritances, trusting God to make the decisions.  We don't have to cast lots now, because we have the Holy Spirit and we can hear the Lord's voice speaking directly to our hearts.  Isn't that awesome? 

"Peace" and "anxiety" are kind of like the Urim and Thummim to me.  I go to the Lord with a decision and seek to hear His word on it.  If I'm worrying over something, I wait for the peace of God about it before I do anything.  Decisions based on fear don't turn out very well!  I try to keep myself free from anxiety (e.g., anxiety stemming from consuming too much caffeine).  Maintaining a peaceful spirit and quiet mind makes it easy for the Holy Spirit to use a "feeling" of anxiety as a quick warning system, to stop me from making a wrong decision, or to protect me from danger.  I try to respond immediately to that.  He can always explain later!   I haven't mastered all this, but I've gotten a lot better at it with practice.  [I have found that external "peace enhancers" interfere with my ability to be led by the Spirit.  This doesn't mean that if you need to take prescribed tranquilizers that you should suddenly quit taking them; but it is a goal to work toward, maybe with the help of a therapist.]

The Good News is that when you're born of God, you're the brother or sister of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Almighty God is your Father!  When was the last time you sat quietly with the Lord and heard Him say to your heart, "You are my Beloved son/daughter; with you I am well pleased."  Shhhh. . .listen carefully.  You'll hear Him, I know you will.

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