Saturday, July 3, 2010

July 3, 2010 Turn At the Light

God's word testifies today of the power that His light and truth have to turn a person, or even a nation to Himself.  God had mercy on Josiah because he turned to the Lord, but the nation still had major consequences to deal with because of their great idolatry.  Paul the Apostle had a magnificent conversion when he encountered the glorious Christ on the road to Damascus.  He had a lot of suffering to deal with in his life, but the Lord used him to reach many souls for Him-- his letters minister to us so much even today.

I remember many years ago-- as a backslidden young woman lost in darkness-- coming to myself just like the progidal son did.  The description in today's 2 Kings reading reminds me so much of how I felt back then.  Suddenly, my eyes were opened, and I was overwhelmed when the Lord showed me how every area of my life was sin!  But because I turned to Him when He revealed himself to me, He cleansed me and healed me, and is in the process of restoring all that was lost through my rebelliousness and idolatry.  God is so good!  He will do the same for anyone that turns to Jesus as their Lord and Savior in true repentance, and He will lead them in the Way, the Truth and the Life.

I pray, on the anniversary of our "independence," that our nation will likewise have a great conversion.  We may still have to accept hard consequences for our mistakes, rebellions and idolatries.  But God will have mercy on any one who comes to Him humbly.  If enough of us turn to Him with our whole heart, perhaps this country may again shine His light as we are called to do.  As a nation, as well as individually, we must not trust in our wealth or our power to save us; we must humble ourselves before God and rely on Him alone.

"The rich man’s wealth is his strong city,
And like a high wall in his own esteem.
Before destruction the heart of a man is haughty,
And before honor is humility." Proverbs 18:11-12 NKJV  

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