Wednesday, June 30, 2010

June 30, 2010 Keeping Nothing Back

Alas, this morning, I was busy beating myself up slightly for writing so much in a blog that was "supposed" to be brief devotional.  I've got books in me that keep trying to get out.  This is personal, yes, but I was greatly comforted (or in Luke's words, "not a little comforted") to read today about Paul, how he talked until daybreak, even putting a young man to sleep (and raising him from the dead when he fell out the window!).  It was what he said about his reasons for saying so much:  "how I kept back nothing that was helpful" Acts 20:20, and that he had "not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God." vs 27.  In no way am I comparing myself to Paul, or saying that I have the whole counsel of God, but only expressing that I share God's heart for His people, which is why I end up writing so much.  I only have my part, but I am compelled to share my part.

We make our plans, but it's God who guides our steps.  (Proverbs 16:9) Yesterday, the Holy Spirit told me not to apologize for doing what He led me to do.  It reminded me of Julia Childs saying "Never apologize".  I will apologize if I do something wrong, actually wrong.  I feel like apologizing when I don't meet up to people's expectations, or my own.  But I am learning to resist that.  It's only God's expectations that we have to live up to (or should).  He is faithful to let us know He is pleased with us, and that's all that matters in the long run.

FYI: I have started a Twitter account-- can you believe it?-- and I will post a very short thought on the OYB reading for the day (among other things), for those who want to get a quick insight, and it will have a link to this blog.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

June 29, 2010 The Mighty, Prevailing Word of God

Sometimes it feels like we're in the middle of the riot in Ephesus, with everybody chanting "Great is Diana of the Ephesians!"  When large numbers of people get together, all worshipping the same god, a lot of shouting happens if you say anything about Jesus Christ being Lord.   Confusion and mindlessness are a symption of mass deception.  It's hard to get it to listen.

In order to save our nation, we need revival-- meaning: we need a majority of people who are free from mind-control and who believe and follow the truth of the gospel.  We need to pray for the Spirit of Truth to break through and open people's minds that have been captivated by lies, so that they can receive the truth.  This prayer has already had great effect.  However, just because we pray doesn't mean there isn't more to do.  Everyone who is free has work to do to get others set free.  The word of God still needs to be shared: taught, preached, written about, discussed, illustrated, etc.  Now is not the time to be lazy or intimidated.  We need to work harder than the devil is! 

There are two strategies I see that would be useful in dealing with the problem of mass deception as we get the word of God out: 1) publicly demonstrate the power of God and His word in a way that is undeniable.  2) relate to individuals in a way that doesn't trigger the programmed response (in other words, have wisdom in how you approach people about the gospel, and other subjects--included is a discussion on what to do if you if you end up triggering people).

If you'll think about it, you'll see that Jesus, in His earthly ministry, did both these things.  He was dealing with a nation of people who were captivated in a religious "stronghold."  Even some of the Pharisees, who were controlled by it but were also using it to control the masses, were won by the prevailing Word of God.  Jesus demonstrated God's power by healing the sick, raising the dead and casting out demons, as well as other miracles.  Jesus also spoke in parables to the people, getting the truth into them, in part, by by-passing their mental triggers.   He didn't talk to the people in the same religious way that the Pharisees did, and they listened.  I think that Jesus may have deliberately triggered the Pharisees to show what spirit they were really of!

These strategies are going to take a lot of prayer, submission to God, and obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit.  We know, without a doubt, that it is God's will to get people set free.  Why else would Paul the Apostle have been casting demons out in the name of Christ?  (possession by a prevailing mindset of lies is just as bad as demon possession, isn't it?)  This was true demonstration of the power of God, and it couldn't be duplicated by those who were not obedient to Christ.  (It wasn't the only way Paul showed God's power, however; he did many other miracles.)

When the power of God is demonstrated along with the preaching of the word, the fear of the Lord rises up in people.  The result is that 1) people come to Christ (by their own choice), 2) people confess their sins, and 3) people lay down their idols and their idolotrous practices because of the conviction of the Holy Spirit.  (you can see this is verses 17-19)

I am fascinated by this verse:  "So the word of the Lord grew mightily and prevailed." Acts 19:20  We need not be intimidated by the seeming power of a crowd of deceived people.  When the word of God is spoken, it gets planted in people.  I think when people see God's word in action, it sort of pokes a hole in them, and the seed of the word goes down deeper-- has a chance to take root.  God's word grows in people, then bears fruit. This takes time.  (Some of the hard times we've been going through are perhaps digging the "rocks" out of people-- softening the hardness of people's hearts and making them better "soil").  All the Christian mass media in the world won't suddenly change society by suddenly changing the crowds' mind.  But the word of God spread en mass will touch many individuals.  And God's word always prevails.

There is nothing mightier than the word of God.  In the Psalm today, we are reminded how the word of God controls nature.  He created nature in the first place-- with His word.  He created mankind.  He upholds the universe with His word.  If He can do this, then He could control a crowd, easily, with His word.  But I don't see that He has ever done this, even with His own people.  He doesn't violate His own policies, and the individual's free will is one of the things He has set up.  It is a key to His kingdom. 

Satan, however, has no qualms about violating God's laws.  Controlling a group is something he tries to do as much as possible.  (In the incident in Ephesus, Demetrius was used by Satan to stir up a crowd against the gospel, using a group deception that was already in place and a strong economic incentive: and the devil always uses "fear, shame and the need to belong".)  Even so, God sets people free individually.  Otherwise, we would just be pawns in a duel between God and Satan, and we are not.  God is not controlled by Satan's tactics.  We don't have to be either.

God's people, when we become full of His Word and Spirit, will eventually act as one-- not because God is controlling us against our will, but because each of our wills are freely submitted to the Head, who is Christ.  We will choose to do His will because we want to.  It is pure worship.  If we are submitted to the Head, we will be free of any other type of control.  We will not fear or worship anything else.  We will move as one-- His Body.

In the words of John, "Little children, keep yourselves from idols." 1John 5:21 In order to free others, we must be free ourselves.  Watch for how the enemy promotes controlling mindsets through the media.  He does it by saturation, seduction and peer pressure (and other forms of intimidation).  Don't become a cult-victim of the prevailing culture.  Let God's culture and His powerful word prevail in your life.  The choice is yours. 

The following is specific instructions about dealing with triggered behavior.  I just wanted to let you know in advance, so you don't get mad at me for taking up so much of your time.  It might be very useful for you, either now or in the future, especially if you are in ministry.  It just seems that, since this is a very common problem, and the Scripture readings brought it up, it would be wrong of me to not share what I know, at least briefly (and this is very brief, really).

Satan believes that if he can get people, either in a mass or individually, so programmed that they will not be able to think or listen (or even get angry and attack) if they are triggered, that we will stop preaching the gospel to them.  Since this is a widespread phenomenon, we either have to avoid the triggers (and they are often common and avoidable), or learn to deal with people when they are triggered, either by ourselves or others.  What we must not do is become afraid of people and stop speaking the truth in love.  I will share with you a little of what I have learned so far; some of it was revealed to me as I read the Scriptures today.

Sometimes God will lead us to do or say something that will trigger the programmed response, either in a crowd or in an individual.  This is to show us what is controlling the crowd or person.  It is possible to calm a crowd, as we saw by the speech the clerk gave in the theater.  But all he did was cater to their belief system.  It didn't set them free.  I'm not saying we should do this.  Sometimes Paul was barely able to talk sense into a frenzied crowd (such as when they tried to worship him as Zeus).  In my limited experience, it is possible to speak (whatever the Holy Spirit tells you to) into the volitile situation.  This can change a hostile atmosphere by the work of the Spirit, who speaks to individual hearts and allows His peace to overwhelm enemy activity.  This is temporary, but it gives you the chance to share the word of God to the group of people.  I believe angel ministers also help in this situation when we speak the word given us. You also can speak directly to an evil spirit who has tried to invade a meeting, and you can directly cast it out (if you've been given authority over the meeting).   I can't share experience on what to do in situations like Paul was in, since I've never preached in venues like he did.  Thankfully, if I ever have to, I know that God's grace is sufficient for all things. 

In ministering to an individual who you see is being controlled by something, we have to have discernment and guidance of the Holy Spirit, moment by moment.  I have had lots of experience with this in the counseling room, as well as everyday life, but there is no formula.  Sometimes you can cast a demon out, but lots of times there is more to it, and you just have to calm the person down and go at the problem from a different angle.  You may have to wait for another time.  When I was counseling one time, a lady client was triggered into a tizzy because I wore the color pink!  It seemed bad at the moment, but it led us to a place that needed healing.  No, I didn't cast a demon out!  Yes, I have cast demons out before.  Just try casting a wound or a thought-process out though!  Discipleship, and often deliverance, is a process.

If you trigger a controlled throught-process, evoking a programmed response (and then you're dealing with an unreasonable, and even dangerous, person at that moment), most likely your conversation is over for the time being.  Make a note of what you learned.  You will have to go around the "back door" and, in a different way, begin to share the word of God that will refute the lies that the person is believing.  Once the person believes the truth, they will overthrow the demon themselves, if there is one. This is best and most permanent.  (There isn't always an actual demon present, because the human psyche is capable of all sorts of strange defensive behaviors, which often look demonic to us, but aren't necessarily.  The number of demons in the world is finite, and Satan won't use them if he doesn't have to.  He has had thousands of years to study human psychology, and he knows more than you do.  He is a master mind-twister.  Good thing we have access to the infinite mind of Christ!  God's wisdom and knowledge always trump the devil!)    If there is a demonic guard everywhere you go in talking with a person, then you are going to have to get them delivered.  Prayer over the situation is advised before you act. I'm sure Paul was praying over the girl with the spirit of divination, and he knew exactly what he was getting into.  I have been led, in some instances, to immediately command a demon to leave, and it has left.  But if you don't help the person close the door that let it in, it will be back, guaranteed.  This is worse, and to be avoided.  Jesus taught about that.

Christian deliverance is not exorcism!  Never forget that the word of God is His will; it is powerful and it will prevail.  If Christ lives in you, then His authority will speak through you when He gives you the word.  You never have to exert human power; if fact, in dealing with demons, you are only giving them something to feed on when you do things in the flesh.  It makes them stronger.  The fruit of the Spirit is poisonous to them however, so make sure you're in the Vine and bearing lots of fruit! Doing something "in the name of Jesus" requires doing it in His nature.  You can't use the name of Jesus as a magic potion. 

When you are walking in the Spirit, then He will lead you only to places in which He will either work through you, or teach you with what you are experiencing.

Monday, June 28, 2010

June 28, 2010 A Choice of Princes

Don't you just love the Psalm today? I suppose I could say that about all Scripture verses, since they're all from the Lord.  This one spoke to me particularly about something that's been on my mind a great deal lately.

"Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help." Psalm 146: 3  I can say "Amen" to this, because, well. . .how many times have I done this myself, only to be disappointed?  We're going to get disappointed if we look to a person to be our savior,deliverer, provider. . .etc.

In my personal life, I still struggle sometimes to put my full trust in God.  I have to trust God when my husband faces difficulties.  I've had to trust God many times when things seemed impossible, and God, not man, has come through.  God has not changed, only circumstances.  Still, we get stretched, and our faith and hope get stronger.  God still uses my husband to provide for me, but without God's help, he wouldn't be able to do it.  He'd be the first to say so.

In the wider scope of things, I am challenged daily to again put my full trust in God.  I see disasters around the world-- many man-made-- and the problems appear to be so insurmountable that I thank the Lord I am not a world leader.  Mankind seems to be making things worse the more we try to fix things.  When will we decide we can't do it ourselves and turn to God?  I pray for the governments to have the wisdom to solve these things.  But more and more, I pray for the return of Christ to rule and make things right.  We are instructed to do this, and we all need to be in agreement:  "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven."

While we still have a voice in this nation--  a democracy that gives us the right to think, choose and vote-- we must seek God's will and choose our government accordingly.  God has given a great privilege!  We have the government we choose.  This means that we have the possibility of choosing the Kingdom of God even now!  Why would we turn this down? 

It is not man we are to look to for leadership, even though God often works through human instruments.  Christ Jesus is the Prince of Peace, and He is willing to have the government laid upon His shoulders.  He will raise up a government that is able to lead in wisdom and righteousness, if only we will turn back to Christ and look to Him as our true Prince.  When we don't look to Christ to lead us into the truth, what we end up with, instead, is lies and destruction.  There is no philosophy or political agenda, no man or government that can accomplish God's will without submitting to God.  No matter how good it looks, a counterfeit will always disappoint.  Let's not choose the wrong prince!

5 Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help,
Whose hope is in the LORD his God,
6 Who made heaven and earth,
The sea, and all that is in them;
Who keeps truth forever,
7 Who executes justice for the oppressed,
Who gives food to the hungry.
The LORD gives freedom to the prisoners.

8 The LORD opens the eyes of the blind;
The LORD raises those who are bowed down;
The LORD loves the righteous.
9 The LORD watches over the strangers;
He relieves the fatherless and widow;
But the way of the wicked He turns upside down.

10 The LORD shall reign forever—
Your God, O Zion, to all generations.
Praise the LORD!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

June 26, 2010 Rated R for Spiritual Warfare

I wouldn't want to see today's passages from Kings on the big screen!  Rated R for violence!!  Even with just a mental picture, it's hard to forget the gruesome end of Jezebel.  If you think God hates evil any less than He did back then, you're wrong.  We're still in a war against wickedness-- it just looks different right now, unless you're seeing with spiritual eyes.  I'm reminded of one of Jesus' parables, and a line quoted from it: "But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them-- bring them here and kill them in front of me." Luke 19:27  By the time you get to the end of the Bible, your understanding of Jesus will have expanded.

Make no mistake: we still are to be grieved over evil!  "Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was provoked within him when he saw that the city was given over to idols." Acts 17:16  And remember how he felt about the girl with the spirit of divination who was following them around?  He was irritated.  Did he kill the girl?  Of course not!  He cast the evil spirit out instead.  He knew the demon's time was coming.  God's purposes at present are to deliver all (who are willing to be delivered) from the grips of evil.  We are in the Age of Grace, and we have a different approach: mercy.  

Paul taught in one of his letters: "Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching." 2 Timothy 4:2  He demonstrated this in his address to the Athenians.  He talked with them, even though they had darkened minds and called him a babbler!  "Therefore he reasoned in the synagogue with the Jews and with the Gentile worshipers, and in the marketplace daily with those who happened to be there." Acts 17:17 NKJV  People were won to Christ through his discussions, but also he was persecuted.  It really does take longsuffering (patience).

Sometimes we forget how merciful God's ways are with us.  We get tired of hearing correction.  I'm happy to take my Father's chastening over having His fire break out against me!  I am thankful beyond words to Christ for taking my punishment-- my deserved gruesome death-- and extending God's heart of grace and mercy.  That IS God's heart, you know!  Why else did Christ die?  God's still killing off evil in me though, and in all of His Church.  The more we "reckon ourselves dead to sin" through the cross, the easier it is on us.  (see Romans 6-- this is deep and important doctrine here, and if you need help with it, please go to your pastor.)

A lot of "hellfire and brimstone" preaching has turned us off, perhaps because it was done without love.  We are to speak the truth in LOVE.  Is it truly love not to warn people that evil will finally be destroyed?  How can we truly preach the cross of salvation if we don't let people know that God hates evil!  The "world" is trying to make tolerant wimps out of all of us, trying to make us afraid of telling the truth (politically correct "tolerance" is not the same thing as God's grace and mercy!).

We are becoming, as a culture, much too concerned with our safety!  This alarms me!  If we are not willing to share the true Gospel of the Kingdom-- of the coming Righteous King and of salvation from evil, sin and death through Jesus Christ alone--because we're afraid of the "consequences," (we should be much more afraid of what God thinks) then we have already come under the influence of a Jezebel spirit (which is an anti-christ spirit).  And the future of that demonic spirit is parallel to the doom of said queen.

Today, the spiritual war is just as gruesome and bloody as it was in the Old Testament days.  I've personally witnessed what happens when a human being, given over to a Jezebel spirit, gets into a Christian assembly (church) and tries to take over.  It's ugly.  You want to get the person free if you can, but you have to get rid of the demonic infiltration.  You have to protect the sheep.  The warfare is difficult, painful and dangerous.  But Jesus Christ has already won!  Victory is assured (if we'll actually fight)! 

"The Kingdom of Christ" is the greatest epic ever!  [speaking figuratively here] I dare you to watch the Special Features and see what's happening "behind the scenes"!  I guarantee you'll take "wearing your armor" a lot more seriously.  But you will begin to realize how great it is to serve the King-- and you will never be a wimpy Christian again.

I pray that the spiritual eyes of the whole Body of Christ will be opened, and that we will seek Him for His strength and courage to do His will.  The eternal destiny of this generation is at stake.  Are we willing to lay down our lives for them?

Friday, June 25, 2010

June 25, 2010 Earth-Shaking Praise

Our trials and tribulations always have redemptive purposes! We can be assured of this because, when we belong to God, He uses everything for good.  We have our share of responsibility, I think, in releasing God's redemptive purpose into our sphere of influence.  From reading about Paul and Silas in prison, I realize that praising and glorifying God in the midst of trouble and persecution can be the sign that points people to Christ.

Even when our sufferings are entirely private, praising God with abandon is a key to victory.  If we're practicing this when no one is looking, we'll be prepared for action when someone actually is.  To me, having victory over my difficult circumstances is a good incentive to do what I know: praise God with my whole heart-- which is a pleasing sacrifice.  The thought that I might be practicing for the future-- that other people might be brought into the Kingdom because I glorified God while I suffered-- gives my present trials even more meaning.  I might even be able to embrace them with gusto!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

June 24, 2010 Facing Up

Do you ever wonder why the Scriptures are so full of supernatural happenings, and yet our lives (most of them anyway) are so NOT?  I do!  Maybe having an ordinary life is all you want, so I guess if that's what you have, you should keep up doing what you're doing to have it that way.  But me, I'm not satisfied with ordinary.  I don't see anywhere in Scripture, either in the Old or New Testaments, where life with God is ordinary.  It seems that anywhere He is, there is something going on that is out-of-this-world!

When I read accounts of people in the Bible having supernatural interactions with God (and doesn't that seem to be a regular thing in our readings?) a growing hunger arises in my spirit for the things of heaven, and I wonder why my life seems so earthbound.  While I've been "on vacation," the Lord's been speaking to me about why I'm not experiencing as much of Him as I'd like, or even as much as I used to.  I have been getting too much earthly input, and not enough heavenly!  Realizing this, I decided to watch some videos from ministries I trust.  All the messages I heard seemed to say the same thing (and one of them even quoted today's passage from Kings!): we should be having greater revelation and prophetic experiences than ever, and we are going to need them; and that if we want to see heaven, then heaven is what we should put before our eyes.  I'm being reminded of what I knew before: whatever we focus on is what we eventually experience.

I had an inkling that Proverbs 17:24* was related to this, and when I ventured to look it up in the Hebrew, I was amazed at how much is missing in translation!  I'm not going to go into a long explanation, so you'll just have to look it up for yourself.  But this is the message that jumped out at me: If you face heaven, then you'll see heaven and you'll gain wisdom and understanding; but if you face earth, then all you'll see is earthly things, and you'll end up a fool. 

That seems pretty simple and straightforward, doesn't it?  Basically, we choose our experience of life by where we place our focus.  Admittedly, it's easy to get our focus off onto meaningless and temporary things, or even "earth-shattering" events.  But if we want to live the life Christ intended for us, we need to get our focus on Him and on His Kingdom.  I am making the needed adjustments.  You?

*"Wisdom is in the sight of him who has understanding, But the eyes of a fool are on the ends of the earth." Proverbs 17: 24-25 NKJV

Friday, June 18, 2010

June 18, 2010 Persecution and Ministering Angels

There are two parallels with the Old and New Testament readings today that stood out to me: 1) the activity of a major demonic spirit, and 2) the activity of ministering angels from God.  We call this particular evil spirit "Jezebel", after the queen who allowed it to control her.  I see the same evil spirit working in Herod as well, as the evil spirit can work through men as well as women.  It seems here that it tries especially to control the person in charge.  Keep your eyes open for the workings of this devious spirit, as it is very active at this time in history. 

One of the marked traits of the Jezebelian spirit is persecuting and killing the prophets of God (and anything to do with prophetic ministry).  It's always good to see the end of a road so as to decide whether we want to be on it or not.  Personally, I wouldn't want to be following the same path as a Jezebel spirit, even in a small way.  Since we're in the last days, and we've been told that God would pour out His Spirit on all flesh and that there would be a lot of prophesying going on (Joel 2: 28-32), I think we should be careful not to be party to an evil spirit who would wish to stop this.  It's also good to beware of counterfeits: but if you know the Spirit of Truth, it's pretty easy to spot something that's not Him.

Even though I'm not excited about going through more persecution (although Jesus did say it was coming), I am very much looking forward to seeing more angelic activity (God's ministering angels).  As we see in today's passages, when the persecution level goes up, so does the level of angelic ministry.  I've personally experienced some angelic ministrations, although I have not "seen" the angels (with my natural eyes).  I would certainly like to be aware of more. 

If you're not used to (or don't like to be) thinking about supernatural things, you might want to ask the Lord to change your viewpoint.  You might find this kind of help to be very much needful in the future.  Probably none of us would be alive today if it weren't for the help and protection of God's angels.  I'm grateful indeed for a God Who loves us so much that He created a multitude of powerful and holy beings who are willing to serve Him and us!  And in God's mercy, He didn't allow Satan, and the other rebellious angels, to run around on Earth without making sure that God's loyal and powerful angels were right there to help us always have the victory.

P.S. I'm reminded of Rick Joyner's little book, When God Walked The Earth-- and I'm wondering how an angel might feel if they were not allowed to save someone, such as James, who was called to be martyred and was killed for the sake of the Gospel.  They would then minister a different kind of grace. 

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

June 16, 2010 Politics, Prophets and Provision

It's troubling to me to read about the dreadful split between Judah and Israel, and of the horrendous works of the evil kings.  It makes me sad to realize it was all due to Solomon's wandering heart and idolatry later in his life.  With all his wisdom, he should have known better.  It just goes to show that "you can fall from any level," as Rick Joyner said in The Final Quest.  How serious we need to be in maintaining the fear of the Lord, and a pure love for Him and His Word!

All the turmoil of those Old Testament days reminds me of modern times, even of American politics.  If you look just under the surface of current events, you will see the seeds of civil war.  The trouble is, so many of the issues are spiritual, just as they were back in Ahab's day.  God's people today seem to have just as much trouble in dealing with ungodliness in society and government as they did in Bible times.   Why is that, I wonder?  Do you think, perhaps, that most of us are just too concerned with trying to survive to do anything to confront the evils that are trying to gain power over us, individually and as a nation?  [and I'm not talking about "rebellion," I'm talking about submitting to God and following Him.]

In order to be free from evil domination, we will have to be willing to see what is really happening around us and to us.  We will have to be willing to see evil, not close our eyes to it.  Seeing it and liking it, or just going along with it (as well as simply closing our eyes to it), is what leads us into slavery.  Seeing it and hating it is the beginning of getting free. 

God expects us to love what He loves and hate what He hates.  This, of course, must be established in our own personal life, but after that, what?  I would say, no matter what, start with prayer.  Prayer is the launch pad.  None of us will know what He is doing, or what we ourselves are to do, without seeking the Lord in prayer.  If you don't really trust God, now's the time to dig down into the Word and get your roots planted into Him.  Every time you obey Him, you get a little more rooted.  You're going to have to trust Him in order to stand godly in the evil day.

The truth is, while Christ's Kingdom is being established on earth, the worldly kingdoms are crumbling.  Can you feel the foundations being shaken?  Do you see the chaos beginning to take hold of the world's systems?  Of course, all those with worldly power, not to mention the evil spiritual entities that hold sway over the nations, are trying to tighten their grip.  Controls will strengthen, and when people rebel against control, flattery will try to win them-- but only so that even greater control can be exercised.  There's no getting away from this.  It's the times we're in!  That's why it's so important to see the Kingdom of God and go for it.  It's time to see what kingdoms are what, and choose. 

Whatever you're called to do in the Kingdom of God, God has provision for you.  It takes a lot of courage to take a stand for God in evil times, or even to support one who openly does.  But as Jesus said, Be not afraid!  We saw how the Lord provided for Elijah-- He sent ravens to feed him!  Then He asked a poor widow to care for him, and miraculously provided for her too.  Not only was there enough food for them, but there was also provision for healing (her son was raised).  Even if the Lord were to call for judgments (such as famine) against an idolatrous nation, His people will be provided for if they will trust Him and obey Him. 

As we read in the story of Peter and Cornelius, the Lord even has communications covered: prayer, the leading of the Holy Spirit, visions, and angelic visitations will keep God's people "in the know" and the Kingdom of God running according to His plan.  And remember how Stephen got transported by the Spirit, and he just found himself somewhere?  Who needs cars, planes, cell phones and the internet when you have such efficient modes of communication and travel?  We might as well get used to it-- we're called to live in a supernatural Kingdom!  It's not science fiction, it's real!  We'll see more and more of it as the return of the King draws nearer.

I know it's normal to say, "Well, I'm not Elijah!  Maybe that guy over there is!" but each of us has been given a place of authority in our life, whether large or small; and in this place of rule, we are each called to declare the Word of the Lord and to resist evil, no matter what the apparent cost.  We must trust the Lord to provide all that is needed, even when the world from which we have been gaining our support is falling down around our ears.

"And He commanded us to preach to the people, and to testify that it is He who was ordained by God to be Judge of the living and the dead." Acts 10:42

Friday, June 11, 2010

June 11, 2010 When We Cover Our Ears

From the glory and rejoicing of the dedication of Solomon's temple to the hard-hearted stoning of Stephen:  what a jolting and disturbing contrast!

I don't have a lot to say about this.  Except: this could be us!  At any time, it could be me.  This is a stark picture of what happens to us when we habitually stop our ears from the Word of God, reject true prophetic expressions from the Lord, or refuse to receive a godly rebuke given in love.  Taking the truth can be painful, but when we refuse it, we can kill.  (Don't just limit killing to picking up a stone-- you know we can kill with words, with looks, with rejection.)

I pray that the Spirit of Wisdom and Discernment will show us the heart of the matter.  One thing I see is that, if we get stuck where we're at and make a religion out of what's supposed to be a relationship, we are at risk of completely misunderstanding, and even outright rejecting,  the next thing that God might do.  His purposes have been flowing along, right from the beginning, and He's never turned back from where He's been going.  The people of Stephen's day were right in the middle of God's river, the same river they were in during Solomon's reign, and yet they misinterpreted what was happening.  He even told them in advance what He was going to do. 

God always goes higher and deeper!  Instead of the commandments in the ark and the glory cloud in the holy place of the temple, the living Word was in Stephen and the glory of God had filled him, a temple "not made with hands." [Not just Stephen, but any Christian who allows Him to do so.]

I've seen and heard of God doing some pretty strange things.  Sometimes I've misjudged these things, and later had to repent.  I think God's going to be doing some very radical things in these days.  I've heard some things, even just today, that fit that description, and I'm not going to disregard them.  We need discernment, and we definitely need to stay close to Jesus and listen to His Spirit, Who is glad to interpret to us what He is saying and doing in these last days.  Let's not cover our ears!

"But they cried out with a loud voice, and covered their ears and rushed at him with one impulse." Acts 7:57 NASB

Bonus:  Discern the difference between following the crowd and the unity of the Spirit.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

June 10, 2010 Why Does Beauty Exist?

Stephen's mention of Solomon's temple in his sermon (we're still in that!), and his quote from Isaiah, are nicely juxtaposed in our One Year Bible reading today.  "But Solomon built Him a house. However, the Most High does not dwell in temples made with hands, as the prophet says: ‘ Heaven is My throne, And earth is My footstool. What house will you build for Me? says the LORD, Or what is the place of My rest? Has My hand not made all these things?' " Acts 7:47-50 NKJV (Isaiah 66:1,2).  

As I contemplate the beauty of the temple and furnishings that Solomon designed, I am quite certain that he created them as an act of worship.  I remembered that Solomon himself mentioned that God doesn't live in a physical building, so I decided to look it up (we're coming up to it in just a few days):  "But will God indeed dwell on the earth? Behold, heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain You. How much less this temple which I have built!" I Kings 8:27  There is so much more to be said about the dwelling-place of God, and I'm sure that topic will unfold as we continue reading throughout the year.

We read in previous chapters that Solomon was quite a naturalist (botanist/biologist).  He appreciated how God expressed Himself through the intricacies of nature, and responded to that by echoing the beauty and excellence in his own creations.  He wanted the temple surroundings to remind people that God was the creator of the world, and that He should be called upon and worshipped.  Solomon knew the language of beauty.

 As Stephen also pointed out, the creation itself is not to be worshipped--  when the people made idols and worshipped them, the end result was captivity.  There is an obvious difference in decorating things beautifully with images from nature and making a golden calf and worshipping it.  It's what's behind the image-making-- the purpose and spirit of it-- that makes artistic expression what it is.  I may be stepping into a spiritual hornet's nest here, but the Muslim aesthetic is all about trying to avoid such idolatry (geometric adornment only; hide women's faces and bodies), but it does nothing to change the idolatrous heart of humankind.  On the opposite end of the spectrum is the Western culture of idolizing beauty in general, and beautiful people particularly.  This is where all of our hearts go when we are not letting the Spirit of Truth give our sinful hearts an overhaul.

God is beautiful, but beauty is not god!  Beauty is an intrinsic quality of God-- you can't have God without getting extravagant beauty in the bargain!  It springs forth from Him.  Just look around!  And God created human beings with an appreciation of, and an ability to create, astounding beauty.  I am very thankful for that!  I am a great fan of God's beauty, His artistic ability, and His awe-inspiring creations.

I believe that beauty on this earth exists to testify of God's Beauty, of Him.  Getting religious about our attitudes about beauty just doesn't help anything-- it only spoils what God has given.  But if we can see beauty as a interface of communion-- back and forth, giving and receiving-- we will enter into a greater realm of Heavenly worship and glory than we have ever been in before.   

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

June 9, 2010 The Spirit of Excellence

Being an artist, I always love reading the descriptions of the temple, in all of its stages throughout the Bible.  They've become more vivid to me as I've practiced imagining the details in my mind's eye.  The varied way that the Spirit of Wisdom worked in Solomon-- either in the practicalities of business, or in the beautiful details of an artistic vision-- is a vivid picture of how God's wisdom is a priceless endowment in every area of life.  Christ is now building His temple, the Church, as a habitation for God's name, and the glory that permeates His workmanship, through the Spirit of Wisdom, is what sets the Church apart and makes her great in every area of influence.

The same Spirit of Wisdom works through the members of Christ's Body today.  No matter what our endeavors and areas of gifting are, the Spirit of Wisdom, when allowed to guide and empower, will enable us to glorify God by helping us to achieve a level of excellence that shines.  I am reminded that when people began to notice Jesus, they commented that He did "all things well."   The fact that Solomon did "all things well" clues us in to the concept that he is a "type and shadow" of Christ.  Think how glorious His reign will be!  Do you ever let yourself imagine what that time will be like?  I certainly do!

Nobody that I know does "all things well"!  I'm good at several things, but I'm terrible with numbers!  Lucky for me, my husband Bob is a whiz!  He, on the other hand, has some holes in his abilities that I can fill nicely.  We're a good team!  And this is the glory of oneness: not only in marriage, but in the Body of Christ, the Church!  As we each do our part by the Spirit of Wisdom and Excellence, we participate in building a living temple for the glory of God's name.  "O LORD, our Lord, How excellent is Your name in all the earth!"  Psalm 8:9

We should never look down on someone because their part doesn't look spiritual to us.  Everyone has a duty, whether they are prophets or plumbers, to walk in the Spirit, and thus shine with God's wisdom and excellence, which is part of His glory. As for the saints who are on the earth, "They are the excellent ones, in whom is all my delight." Psalm 16:3  Being excellent in all we do is not about getting glory for ourselves (which is worldliness), but is all about showing forth the glory of God. 

Sadly, a religious spirit of false humility has, over the decades, tended to tarnish the Church's ability to shine forth the glory, promoting, in many individuals, a need to diminish the light of Christ in themselves.  If we are truly walking in the Spirit, we will do whatever it is we do, whether small or great, in an attitude of worship, which will allow God's excellence to be seen. 

Even when something is unnoticed by people, excellence glorifies God!  One of the marks of quality-- for example, of a piece of designer clothing-- is that even the hidden seams are marked with excellence of workmanship.  Never think that what you do doesn't matter-- it's all part of the Church's reason for existence: to glorify God's name. 

Don't get discouraged if you feel like you're not doing excellently!  Jesus is still the Author and Finisher!  It's our job to take His yoke upon us and learn of Him, not stress and strive in a perfectionistic way. (see how today's Psalm addresses this: Psalm 127:1-2). He will teach and guide, and if we just keep on being faithful, we will eventually do excellently without even trying. 

Jesus Christ is excellent.  If you're born of God, and if the Spirit of God lives in you, you are made of excellent material!  As Christ is formed in you, you will become-- you are becoming-- more and more excellent, just like Him!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

June 8, 2010 The Glory of Wisdom and Counsel

Today, the glory of God shines forth in two awesome examples of the how the Holy Spirit manifests Himself as wisdom, understanding and counsel (see Isaiah 11:2)-- King Solomon and Stephen.  I never would have thought to connect them, but there it was.  I hesitated to even mention it for fear of it being too obvious.  But then, the glory of God is obvious each and every day when then sun rises and we think our first thought-- but plenty of people manage to miss it.  It's always in good taste to magnify the Lord!

I'm not going to write a big essay on these two, because I think you're intelligent enough to see what I'm talking about.  I'll simply refer you to a few verses to get you started on your own study.  God honored Solomon's request for "understanding to discern justice, behold, I have done according to your words; see, I have given you a wise and understanding heart." 1 Kings 3:12.  "And all Israel heard of the judgment which the king had rendered; and they feared the king, for they saw that the wisdom of God was in him to administer justice." 1 Kings 3:28

The Apostles told the people to chose deacons from "men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom." Acts 6:3.  "And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and signs among the people." Acts 6:8  (Notice that Stephen was not one of the Twelve, yet he did signs and wonders).  When he was taken before the council for his "blasphemy", they saw his face shining with the glory!  What was the glory?  The Spirit of God!

In the next few days, when you read about Stephen, look to see how the same Spirit of discernment was working in him as in Solomon when the king judged a case.  Why did he get a different reaction from the same people than did Solomon? How does Solomon's heart for the nation compare to Stephen's?  What does this tell us about the prerequisites for making righteous judgments?

There is great glory in wisdom and discernment!  I want those-- don't you? We can't be sure what kind of outcome we'll have when we function in the Spirit of wisdom and counsel, but I believe it is a great need, not only in our daily lives, but for the nations we represent.  Whatever the turn of events, we can be assured that God's glory will rest on the one who serves Him with faith, love, and humility enough to give His timely counsel with razor sharp clarity of discernment and wisdom.  We could even end up glowing like Stephen did!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

June 3, 2010 Full Circle of Promise

It's like a heavenly "promise ring"-- as the Lord Jesus was taken up into heaven, so He will return.  The disciples were gazing up into the heavens as He ascended before their very eyes.  We are now in the position of gazing upwards, looking for His return.  "Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near." Luke 21: 28  Jesus keeps His promises:  He is coming for His bride!

Jesus' prayer for oneness is still resonating in my mind and spirit.  When I read the opening lines of Acts, I feel the connection with the disciples.  We embrace the promise of His return, and we will at last be together with all the saints. 

Jesus kept His promise to empower the disciples as well, sending the Holy Spirit and fire, just as John the Baptist had prophesied.  John answered, saying to all, "I indeed baptize you with water; but One mightier than I is coming, whose sandal strap I am not worthy to loose. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire." Luke 3:16  We accept the Great Commission as including us as well as the Twelve.  Why not, then, accept the promise of empowerment from on high?  John the Baptist was saying that "to all," not just the Twelve.  We are one with them, just as Jesus prayed.  And it is not in Christ's character to send us out as witnesses without empowering us first.

The Apostles went before us and paved the way of faith and works.  The promises they received and the works they did were for us too.  They went first, building a foundation, showing us how to walk in the Spirit and serve Christ in the world.  They ran the race with patience, and they passed us the torch.  Let's honor them and glorify God by holding the torch high and finishing the race in faith and love.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

June 1, 2010 How to Light Up the King's Face

"In the light of the king’s face is life, and his favor is like a cloud of the latter rain." Proverbs 16:15  The promises in this proverb are great, and they induce me to want to "light up the king's face."  So, how to do this??  I want God's life and favor.  I'm getting a picture of the glory cloud in the day of the latter rain!  I think I would like to walk in His glorious presence in this time.  Don't you?

Jesus' response to Thomas, after His resurrection, gives us a wonderful clue as to how to excel in pleasing Him: Jesus said to him, “Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” John 20: 29  When we believe His Word, even when it comes through others, we please Him.  He can work through faith.  Jesus didn't condemn Thomas for needing to have proof, He just indicated that he wasn't going to be as blessed as those who believed without seeing. 

The Apostle John was one of the disciples who believed Jesus had risen without first seeing Him in the body.  Later on in his life, he was given heavenly visions that showed Christ in His kingly glory, as well as many things about the future.  This is a kind of blessing that I would like to receive!  When we only believe what we see with our eyes, we certainly limit our spiritual vision.

When we love Jesus enough to obey Him, this is when our faith can work  (Gal. 5:6).  We don't get proofs of His Word, most of the time, until after we have carried out His Word.  We just have to obey.  If our faith doesn't operate without signs or proofs, then our love is small and we will end up being  disobedient.  This, of course, is a way to NOT please the Lord, and then we don't have the flow of favor we are hoping for.

I realize that some of what I'm saying here could be taken as if God shows favoritism: but giving favor and practicing favoritism is not the same thing.  God doesn't have "favorite children."  He gives reward and disciplines us depending on what we need at any given time.  Really, His discipline is favor, it just doesn't feel like it at the time it's happening.  All His children have His favor (and this means His "born-again" children, not just His human creation).  He still blesses everyone with His overflowing goodness, even unbelievers-- "He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good." (Matthew 5:45)

Here's a verse that makes it clear that there is a way to "light up the king's face": "But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." Hebrews 11:6  There's reward!  Who doesn't like reward?

In order to diligently seek the Lord, we have to believe there is more than what we can see, and that God is desiring to give it.  "Seeking" is looking for something we haven't found yet.  If I were "seeking employment" or "seeking a soulmate," that means I believe there is a job out there that I could do, or a person with whom I could  happily spend my life.  I don't seek for things I don't believe exist.

The more I know God, the more I seek for Him, because He keeps telling me about things I haven't seen yet, things that are in Him.  When I believe His Word-- whether I read it in the Bible, I hear it in a sermon, or the Holy Spirit whispers it in my heart-- I begin to "ask, seek and knock" for the thing I heard about.  This is when I can receive.  This is when I am blessed with that favor that was waiting right there in heaven with Christ.

The disciples were wonderfully blessed by having the opportunity to walk around with Jesus, see His miracles, and hear God's Word straight from His mouth.  But we are even more blessed!  Why? Since we don't have evidence of constant "seeing" and "touching," we have a greater opportunity to believe by pure faith (which is itself the "evidence of things not seen" Hebrews 11:1).  Therefore, WE have the opportunity to "light up the king's face" with our faith in Him and His Word.  This opens the door to greater blessings and favor than you or I can even imagine.