Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April 20, 2010

How great is the faithfulness of our God!  When I read this verse, "Not a word failed of any good thing which the LORD had spoken to the house of Israel. All came to pass." Joshua 21:45, my spirit sighs a sigh of contentment.  I am proud to have a God like that.  He promises wonderful things to His children, and He keeps His promises without fail.  I want to be like that.

Our God is also faithful to stand up for us and defend us when He has authorized us to do something.  No matter what anyone says, if you're obeying the Word of the Lord, stand your ground.  Jesus always had the ultimate answer for any of His detractors, the statement that made His enemies close their mouths.  I want to be like that.

Ethan the Ezrahite, the writer of Psalm 89, extolled the Lord and His faithfulness in this beautiful song.  I want to be like that too.

God is faithful!  As I meditate on His intrinsic faithfulness, thanking and worshipping Him, His nature and His character will be imparted to me.  As I practice walking in godly faithfulness (something I have far to go on), He will strengthen and uphold me.

As we grow in faithful obedience to God's Word, we grow in authority. As we demonstrate His characteristic faithfulness, people will be drawn to the Lord, because it is a very winsome quality  indeed! 

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